Medical Specialty:

Sample Name: Electroencephalogram - 4

Description: A 21-channel digital electroencephalogram was performed on a patient in the awake state.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

PROCEDURE: A 21-channel digital electroencephalogram was performed on a patient in the awake state. Per the technician's notes, the patient is taking Depakene.

The recording consists of symmetric 9 Hz alpha activity. Throughout the recording, repetitive episodes of bursts of 3 per second spike and wave activity are noted. The episodes last from approximately1 to 7 seconds. The episodes are exacerbated by hyperventilation.

IMPRESSION: Abnormal electroencephalogram with repetitive bursts of 3 per second spike and wave activity exacerbated by hyperventilation. This activity could represent true petit mal epilepsy. Clinical correlation is suggested.

Keywords: neurology, alpha activity, wave activity, hyperventilation, electroencephalogram,