Medical Specialty:
Consult - History and Phy.

Sample Name: Nephrology Consultation - 4

Description: The patient is admitted with a diagnosis of acute on chronic renal insufficiency.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

HISTORY: The patient is a 61-year-old male patient. I was asked to evaluate this patient because of the elevated blood urea and creatinine. The patient has ascites, pleural effusion, hematuria, history of coronary artery disease, pulmonary nodules, history of congestive heart failure status post AICD. The patient has a history of exposure to asbestos in the past, history of diabetes mellitus of 15 years duration, hypertension, and peripheral vascular disease. The patient came in with a history of abdominal distention of about one to two months with bruises on the right flank about two days status post fall. The patient has been having increasing distention of the abdomen and frequent nosebleeds.


PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: The patient had a pacemaker placed.


REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Showed no history of fever, no chills, no weight loss. No history of sore throat. No history of any ascites. No history of nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. No black stools. No history of any rash. No back pain. No leg pain. No neuropsychiatric problems.

FAMILY HISTORY: History of hypertension, diabetes present.

SOCIAL HISTORY: He is a nonsmoker, nonalcoholic, and not a drug user.

VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 124/66, heart rate around 68 per minute, and temperature 96.4.
HEENT: The patient is atraumatic and normocephalic. Pupils are equal and reactive to light. Extraocular muscles are intact.
NECK: Supple. No JVD and no thyromegaly.
HEART: S1 and S2 heard. No murmurs or extra sounds.
ABDOMEN: Distention of the abdomen present.
EXTREMITIES: No pedal edema.

LABORATORY: His lab investigation showed WBC of 6.2, H&H is 11 and 34. PT, PTT, and INR is normal. Urinalysis showed 2+ protein and 3+ blood, and 5 to 10 rbc's. Potassium is 5.3, BUN of 39, and creatinine of 1.9. Liver function test, ALT was 12, AST 15, albumin 3, TSH of 4.8, and T3 of 1.33.

IMPRESSION AND PLAN: The patient is admitted with a diagnosis of acute on chronic renal insufficiency, rule out hepatorenal insufficiency could be secondary to congestive heart failure, cardiac cirrhosis, rule out possibility of ascites secondary to mesothelioma because the patient has got history of exposure to asbestos and has got pulmonary nodule, rule out diabetic nephropathy could be secondary to hypertensive nephrosclerosis. The patient has hematuria could be secondary to benign prostatic hypertrophy, rule out malignancy. We will do urine for cytology. We will do a renal ultrasound, and 24-hour urine collection for protein/creatinine, creatinine clearance, immunofixation, serum electrophoresis, serum uric acid, serum iron, TIBC, and serum ferritin levels. We will send a PSA level and if needed may be a urology consult.

Keywords: consult - history and phy., mesothelioma, ascites, pleural effusion, hematuria, history of coronary artery disease, pulmonary nodules, congestive heart failure, aicd, hepatorenal insufficiency, pulmonary nodule, diabetic nephropathy, chronic renal insufficiency, nodules, serum, insufficiency,