Medical Specialty:
ENT - Otolaryngology

Sample Name: Fat Harvesting

Description: Incompetent glottis. Fat harvesting from the upper thigh, micro-laryngoscopy, fat injection thyroplasty.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Incompetent glottis.


1. Fat harvesting from the upper thigh.
2. Micro-laryngoscopy.
3. Fat injection thyroplasty.

FINDINGS AND PROCEDURE: With the patient in the supine position under adequate general endotracheal anesthesia, the operative area was prepped and draped in a routine fashion. A 1-cm incision was made in the upper thigh, and approximately 5 cc of fat was liposuctioned from the subcutaneous space. After this had been accomplished, the wound was closed with an interrupted subcuticular suture of 4-0 chromic and a light compression dressing was applied.

Next, the fat was placed in a urine strainer and copiously washed using 100 cc of PhysioSol containing 100 units of regular insulin. After this had been accomplished, it was placed in a 3-cc BD syringe and, thence, into the Stasney fat injector device. Next, a Dedo laryngoscope was used to visualize the larynx, and approximately *** cc of fat was injected into the right TA muscle and *** cc of fat into the left TA muscle.

The patient tolerated the procedure well and was returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. Estimated blood loss was negligible.

Keywords: ent - otolaryngology, dedo laryngoscope, physiosol, micro laryngoscopy, fat injection, fat harvesting, incompetent glottis, laryngoscopy, thyroplasty, glottis, thigh,