Medical Specialty: Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
Surgical treatment for restoration of function or for cosmetic purposes.
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery |
Belly Button Piercing
Belly button piercing for insertion of belly button ring. |
Bilateral Orbital Frontozygomatic Craniotomy
Bilateral orbital frontozygomatic craniotomy with bilateral orbital advancement with Z-osteotomies and bilateral forehead reconstruction with autologous graft. |
Blepharoplasty procedure |
Blepharoplasty - Quad
Quad blepharoplasty for blepharochalasia and lower lid large primary and secondary bagging. |
Breast Augmentation Consult
Hypomastia. Patient wants breast augmentation and liposuction of her abdomen, |
Breast Reconstruction
Breast reconstruction post mastectomy. A 51-year-old lady for mastectomy on the right side, who is interested in the possibility of breast reconstruction. |
Browlift, Blepharoplasty, & Rhytidectomy
Hairline biplanar temporal browlift, quadrilateral blepharoplasty, canthopexy, cervical facial rhytidectomy with purse-string SMAS elevation with submental lipectomy. |
Capsulotomy & Flat Advancement, Left Breast
Capsulotomy left breast and flat advancement V to Y, left breast, for correction of lower pole defect (breast assymetry) status post previous breast surgery. |
Cheek-Neck Facelift
Temporal cheek-neck facelift and submental suction assisted lipectomy to correct facial and neck skin ptosis and cheek, neck, and jowl lipotosis, and facial rhytides. |
Closure of Amputation Wounds
Left upper extremity amputation. This 3-year-old male suffered amputation of his left upper extremity with complications of injury. He presents at this time for further attempts at closure. Left abdominal flap 5 x 5 cm to left forearm, debridement of skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and bone, closure of wounds, placement of VAC negative pressure wound dressing. |
Epidermal Autograft
A 60% total body surface area flame burns, status post multiple prior excisions and staged graftings. Epidermal autograft on Integra to the back and application of allograft to areas of the lost Integra, not grafted on the back. |
Flap revision
Breast flap revision, nipple reconstruction, reduction mammoplasty, breast medial lesion enclosure. |
Hemangioma Debulking & Rhinoplasty
Debulking of hemangioma of the nasal tip through an open rhinoplasty approach and rhinoplasty. |
Lipectomy - Abdomen/Thighs
Suction-assisted lipectomy - lipodystrophy of the abdomen and thighs. |
Lipectomy - Breast
Suction-assisted lipectomy of the breast with removal of 350 cc of breast tissue from both sides and two mastopexies. |
Liposuction of the supraumbilical abdomen, revision of right breast reconstruction, excision of soft tissue fullness of the lateral abdomen and flank. |
Mammoplasty - 1
Bilateral reduction mammoplasty for bilateral macromastia |
Mammoplasty - 2
Bilateral augmentation mammoplasty, breast implant, TCA peel to lesions, vein stripping. |
Mammoplasty - 3
Bilateral reduction mammoplasty with superior and inferiorly based dermal parenchymal pedicle with transposition of the nipple-areolar complex. |
Mammoplasty - 4
Bilateral transaxillary subpectoral mammoplasty with saline-filled implants. |
Midface Lift & Blepharoplasty
Endoscopic subperiosteal midface lift using the endotine midface suspension device. Transconjunctival lower lid blepharoplasty with removal of a portion of the medial and middle fat pad. |
Nasolabial Fold Elevation
Left midface elevation with nasolabial fold elevation and nasolabial fold z-plasty and right symmetrization midface elevation. |
Nipple Reconstruction
Nipple areolar reconstruction utilizing a full-thickness skin graft and mastopexy |
Perlane & Restylane Injection
Perlane injection for the nasolabial fold. Restylane injection for the glabellar fold. |
Cosmetic rhinoplasty. Request for cosmetic change in the external appearance of the nose. |
Rhytidectomy & Blepharoplasty
Cervical facial rhytidectomy. Quadrilateral blepharoplasty. Autologous fat injection to the upper lip - donor site, abdomen. |
Skin Graft
Split-thickness skin grafting a total area of approximately 15 x 18 cm on the right leg and 15 x 15 cm on the left leg. |